I'm not an environmentalist, neither is Elon Musk

Elon Musk in discussion with his team back in the days came up with Tesla's mission statement "Accelerate the world's transition to sustainable transport" ... recently changed it to "sustainable energy", because they are also making energy storage products and sell solar tiles, solar panels, inverters...etc... so it makes sense.

Most people see this and say it's a woke, green, hippie, envronmentalist...etc... company... when in fact it's one of the greediest, most evil mission statements ever. They don't just want to succeed and cash out - they want make the company and the whole economy sustainable forever. Chasing this dream is incredibly hard, because people are set in their ways and don't like any change, BUT long term the hard work will pay off ... and it's awesome to see that it'll happen in our lifetime.

In the next 10-20 years we may go ~completely renewable and there will be an abundance of energy and workforce, thanks to Tesa Bot and other automated tools.

Personally I have a very small carbon footprint. I don't have ca car, nor a big house ... I use about 3kWh of electricity daily and burn 100 bucks worth of natural gas in the worst winter months. (I didn't calculate the exact ammount in kWh). I walk where I need to go or use electric public transport when there's a storm, it's too cold or I just don't have the energy to walk... and I don't have a problem with people doing the same.

I have a problem with healthy breathing.... which is prevented by internal combustion vehicles and wood/garbage burning... also smoking.

For a long time things were mostly divided, in balance: people smoked inside and cars were making smoke outside, wood/trash burning is also outside.

Today people aren't allowed to smoke inside, so absolutely all sources of smoke is outside, on the streets, sidewalks, parks ... wherever people can walk... and it's too much for me. 

I have to admit that I look/sound like a crazy person in the street, swearing from time to time at/near people, or just barely audible... audibly? ... and my reasoning behind it is very simple:

Somebody creates smoke and intentionally puts it in my face so I have to suck some of it in and cough/choke on it.

I can't think of any other social situation where you're allowed to do something similar to a person. I mean if you intentionally pour coffee on someone, they are going to slap you silly, punch you and/or call the cops, because throwing stuff at people is assult and they are allowed to defend themselves. Somehow this doesn't apply to smoking, even though smokers are putting something on you, inside your lungs and into your bloodstream. 

Don't get me started on people who smoke near their children. I'd like to slap them silly ...